Monday, April 25, 2011

Omega Fatty Acids

George Mateljan's Food of the Week . . . Salmon

Did you know that researchers believe that about 60% of Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and about 20% have so little that tests cannot even detect any in their blood? The list of benefits derived from omega-3s is long and impressive, ranging from improving cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of stroke to acting as anti-inflammatory agents and improving bone density. Recent studies are finding increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids may also help decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease. As study after study reveals the importance of these essential fatty acids, we also are becoming increasingly aware that they are not readily available in many of the foods that we eat. Cold water fish, such as salmon, are some of the best sources. Not only does salmon provide a host of healthy benefits, it tastes great! Late spring is the beginning of the salmon season. Different species of wild salmon will become available from now through the fall of the year, so be sure to enjoy them while they are in season.

As a very physically active person, I think of omega fatty acids as the oil that keeps my body running smoothly like the oil in your car.  Omega oils have such a large list of beneficial effects, that I find them hard to ignore.  Aside from regularly eating fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and poultry, I add Udo's Choice Oil Blend to my morning yogurt.  This omega oil blend is derived from seeds and not fish so it does not have a fishy taste.  Instead, it has a nutty taste that is a great addition to a plain yogurt mixed with some granola and fresh fruit.  I also want to note that I don't think anyone should simply add supplements to their diet to counter the lack of good food choices during their regular eating.  It is wiser to adjust your diet to include more natural food choices to meet your goal instead of simply adding supplements to an already weak diet.  Then you can add the supplements as an added source. 

For a very comprehensive review of Omega's, read this WebMD article.
Good Fats/Bad Fats

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